YMD September 2022-Louisa Keohane

In November 2021, I performed my show pursuit of perfection, to a paying audience at the Leeds Playhouse. Two years of hard work, exploration and discovery completed in one hour, with an intense and completely valued after show talk. This show wouldn’t have happened without YMD. Back at the start of the process, I took my idea to the group and got them to create around the topic. They came up with ace ideas, and inspired me to respond with new material that made it to the stage. Having been so focused on this show for so long I took a break from that and from dancing altogether really for some months. But now as YMD return to in person classes without the blended online approach, I too return to dancing, thinking and hopefully moving forward some more…

A beautiful day. For me, it’s been a long time since I saw these people in person. But as expected, as I arrived in the car park in the beautiful camp hill campus building in Wakefield, I was greeted by smiles and stories, and laughing over the gate entrance, and it was like we had never been away. Many of these people were just beginning to get back to dance class in person too after a long stream of online or merger classes, so we were all entering with a little nerves.

This group has been running since 1947. A group that began by dancers, dance teachers and dance enthusiasts, it has prevailed and continued all this time, not without challenges, but the community feel is tangible and wonderful and one I hope I continue to be part of. And to teach the very first session of the academic year after a summer break was a privilege. I was planned and ready, with a few adaptions just in case, and we began. After two core exercises we were sweating and hot, layers being chucked to the side, faces red, and I wondered if I peaked too soon; settle a bit, plié and stretch. That helped the calm, but after then to lock it up with feet and leg and travel combinations, followed by some travelling. The floor exercise was a real challenge for some, but it’s always magic working with these people as they adapt and alter, and bring new sequences out of what I planned, and it’s beautiful to watch. Discussions at lunch over the fact that many of us hadn’t even ventured to the floor under the online class rule of ‘I can’t see anything while I’m on the floor’, or ‘my room is just too small for floor work, my carpet makes turning impossible and my knees red roar’. We were all in agreement that contemporary dance is known for its movement close to the floor, so the champions adapted or revisited movement they had done before, but their brain was not used to. Something to be proud of achieving indeed. after the class a comment that reminded me of the purpose to this dancing group gave me hope and happiness, ‘it’s was lovely to see and hear you do class with us, and it is clear you are working with us, and part of us’. They were valuable words and ironically they linked my thoughts to the afternoon session where I brought my own conundrum for the group to solve…

After technique we lunched! And this where community really comes about. Dance is about connecting peoples lives, loves, and challenges, and it did just that as we discussed all sorts from diversity to health to our inner personalities. All things we bring to the dancing space without even realising it, that are valued and important aspects that will affect creativity.

After lunch, a silly game! Followed by solo exploration, using rules and structures. Solos shared, we embarked on creating duets of merged movement from the solos with new rules. Those eventually shared, we fast tracked and split into two, creating group pieces from solo and duet material, and the result was fun, spectacular and comical! The impotence; hope and happiness. The outcome? Community is vital, audience participation a possible, and the everyday the most impactful. If you know what I’m talking about you were probably there. And if you weren’t there I’d urge you to book these dance sessions. Once a month, a chance to express yourself, to meet new people, to challenge and be challenged. And to dance in such beautiful surroundings is a bonus blessing.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I was was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.

Dance found me. And I found these people. And they help anyone who comes to their Sunday sessions be free. Are you up for it?

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